Welcome Home!

Praise Tabernacle  Church

Full Gospel

Family Oriented

Pastors Rick & Kelli Badgerow

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus..-Galatians 3:28

Everyone Is Welcome

10:00 AM Sunday>  Worship/Children's Church

  9:30 AM Tuesday> Bread Ministry/Food Pantry  

10:30 AM Tuesday> Women's Bible Study

  7:00 PM Tuesday> Prayer

    7:00 PM Wed>       Family Night(dinner served at 6:00)

  9:30 AM Friday>     Bread Ministry/Food Pantry

Join Us!

"Something for Everyone"


We Love Children!

As Jesus instructed his disciples "not to turn away the children", we don't either.

We do understand they can be "loud and busy", but that just means they are full of life!

"Lord we pray,Let it rub off on us!"-Pastor Rick Badgerow


We don't care where you've been...we care where you're going!